Here and there…

Washington D.C. to Doha, Qatar! Here are some photo updates from the last week or so…

Erin sent me some photos of a park she discovered when exploring our neighborhood last week. Again, you’ll notice she failed to send me any photos of her pretty face – so, if you want to actually see Erin in some of these pictures, call and harrass her 🙂





I was finally able to take a part of a day off this weekend, and I headed out with some of my co-workers to some coastal sand dunes about 45 min south of Doha. From some spots you can look across the water and see Saudi Arabia. Although I have been within 4km of the Saudi border when diving in Jordan – it still just shocks me into reality of where I am when I see Saudi looming across the Gulf in the distance.



While I am so excited to be home soon, and spend some time with Erin and the kitties, this group of people have been wonderful to work with over the last month or so, and I am very thankful for their support and friendship!

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