On Saturday Erin decided she wasn’t feeling well, and so we thought a little day trip would be just the thing to make her feel better 🙂 We wanted to take advantage of having a whole day together and explore something new. So, we headed to Baltimore. Baltimore is only about 30 miles from where we are at, so it was quick and easy to get there.
We decided to go the National Aquarium. While it wasn’t as impressive as the Monterey Aquarium, it was still really well curated, and had a number of animals not in Monterey including dolphins. It was only about 40$ more than the price of admission to buy a year’s membership, so we will probably be going back soon. And, membership also includes entry to the DC aquarium.
One of the coolest parts of the aquarium was the tropical rainforest display. It had all three stories, and we saw the different creatures from ground to sky!
My favorite section is always the jellies. This aquairum doesn’t have a permanent jelly exhibit but the “moving exhibit” is currently the jellies. They have an awesome jelly art display!
We weren’t able to explore much more of the city, so we are planning a return trip soon!
In other news, Erin caught this picture of the Washington Memorial on her way out work last week:
and my office is finally in full working order! 🙂
See the awesome map hanging on the wall? Well – that map will be getting a post of it’s own soon 🙂