Garden Update

I just wanted to post a quick update on our garden! It has been growing so fast and so strong – we even got our first okra yesterday!


Here is where we started:


And, here is where we are now:


The only veggie that hasn’t done well is the lettuce – every time it grows up, the hedgehog (Henri…you may remember him…) eats it down. I would love to have lettuce for salads, but if that’s all he’s eating, then I won’t complain too much.

And the herb garden. The cilantro is taking over. We are thinking cages will be needed to contain it!


Our compost also seems to be decomposing now – which is awesome! We’ve got to make sure we keep feeding it enough carbon so it doesn’t get mushy. But, it seems like we might be actually making compost!

Ok – that’s all for now. It’s been another busy week and work, and school for Erin, and we have a busy week coming up with out of town visitors and a dinner with friends tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good week!

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