Grandpa Cleary

James Steven Cleary


April 22, 1936 – April 23, 2012

50th Wedding Anniversary
February 20th, 2010

After fighting Stage IV colon cancer for nearly two years – my grandfather passed away Monday April 23rd at 6:10am, one day after his 76th birthday. Our entire family gathered in his hospital room for the few days before his death. I would never have previously referred to my family as large, but he had to be transferred to a double room because the nurses said we were a big family. It was nice we could all be together at this time – and I hope this also is a sign of the support we will now offer my grandmother.


I will share more pictures of my grandfather as I come across them, but here are a few of the last 5 or so years to get started.

Death is always hardest for those left behind. My heart aches for my grandmother, with whom I have always been especially close. I pray that she has peace and calm in her heart as she moves forward in this next (unwanted) stage of her life.

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