If you need me…

I’ll be hiding under my covers with my cats.

This week has not gotten off to a good start. Monday morning I woke up to some frustrating news about a work project that I’ve put hours and days of planning into over the last month, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into over the last several years. Then my work computer crashed. Then my personal computer crashed.

I went to bed with the hope of a better Tuesday – and the day seemed to be progressing OK until I went out for an after work bike ride. I had barely left my house, and was crossing a crosswalk that led to the bike path when I was hit by a car turning right. While I was mostly uninjured, aside from a couple of bruises, the front end of my bike is bent, and my nerves really rattled. I called Erin at school, and she so sweetly left a few hours early to come home and take me out to dinner.

I woke up again this morning to madness at work, and am pretty much ready to just call it quits, get into bed and set the alarm for the weekend.

In other news…this past weekend we headed outside the city to a local county fair. We checked out some of the animals, and hit up a few rides. We were the only adults without kids on the rides, but this didn’t stop us!



They were also running a blood drive at the fair, and I realized that I haven’t donated blood in over a year, so I ended my day at the fair with a needle in my arm! But, the pretzels and juice at the end are always worth it. Not to mention all the amazing reasons to donate blood, including blood transfusions for people currently receiving chemotherapy treatments.

That’s as far as I can get right now…I just need to make it through the rest of this week.

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Just concentrate on all the good things in your life and you will make it through. I love you and I am very proud of you.
Grandma XX


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