Is this week over yet?

We are still here and hanging on – but this has been a long, trying week!

We had some heavy rains last week (like really, really heavy!) and we noticed some water leaking in one of the rooms. As we already have contractors at the house we had them climb up and take a look. Unfortunately they discovered a couple of small holes, and improperly done repairs. And, now we can add new roof to our home repairs! They did some quick touch ups to help out until we can get a plan for a new roof – but we need to move on this quickly before any major damage is done. We are seeing now what poor work the contractors from the house flippers did – and we are double checking our paperwork and agreements.

This picture shows the frustration that we’re dealing with – but when I look at this picture I still see how much we love our little house! I love the garden we’re building, and the new front door, and the rose bushes.


On top of that, Erin has broken out in a vicious rash, along with what looks like an infected spider bite. Monday she went to the doctors to get it looked at – and then as the issue seems to be getting worse, not better, we went in to the ER last night at the advice of the nurse hotline. A few hours and a couple of prescriptions later, we were back home. She is supposed to check back in tomorrow for a follow-up. There didn’t seem to be any improvement this morning after the first dose of antibiotics, but we will see.


And, the cherry on top of the sundae of this week: when McGraw-Hill Education separated from The McGraw-Hill Companies earlier this year – there have been some major issues with the switch over with accounts, taxes and HR in general. Well – I found out yesterday that I have been taxed as a resident of Virginia for at least the last couple of months. How did this happen? I have NO clue! And, so far, no one has been able to tell me why, either, or correct the issue! I’m starting to look forward to a total nightmare for the 2013 tax season.

To end on a good note, our roses are continuing to bloom (love the color!) and my grandma will be here in 1 week! 🙂


Also, Erin’s mom sent us Bananagrams!! As you can see pictured here a few months ago in Doha, my greatest Bananagrams talent is stacking tiles.


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Your house looks gorgeous despite the dificulties. Erin’s arm looks nasty and I have no clue what a Bananagra is ? Looking forward to seeing all this in person very soon. Love you Grandma XXOO


I get to see it in person soon as well!! Love you! xxoo Love to Erin.


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