Let’s Go Oakland!


On Sunday we headed to Baltimore to watch the Oriole’s play the A’s. The A’s got squashed, but it was fun all the same.


In this picture Erin is drinking a National Bohemian beer – or Nattie Boh – it’s a local beer originally brewed in Baltimore (although now owned by Pabst). They even make fun Oriole’s cans (as seen in the picture!)


Both Erin and I were discussing how learning about these little pieces of local culture is one of the reasons we love living in different places – you get to experience so many different and new things that you would never have the opportunity to learn about if you always stay in the same spot. Who knew we could get so deep with cheap beer? 😉

In other news, I went on a 26 mile bike ride on Saturday in preparation for my upcoming Baltimore to York, PA ride. It was a beautiful day, and I was able to keep a good solid pace.


The week has gone by quickly, but I’ve been so tired. Erin agrees that I’ve seemed worn out, and we think I might have caught a little bug. I feel better today, but still feel like I am dragging. Tuesday I fell asleep at 6pm, and slept on and off until it was time to get up for work the next morning!

I’m going to rally because tonight we’re meeting some friends at the Washington Nationals game (it’s been a week of baseball!) And, we’ve almost made to it the long weekend! One…more…day…!

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