Playing Catch-Up!

I’ve been back in the U.S. for over a week now, but haven’t spent any time updating the blog. So, here’s a quick post and some pictures to get you up to speed:


    We started out a crazy few weeks with a drive to central Illinois for the wedding of our friends Brandy and Chris. I met Brandy in graduate school, and then we all quickly became friends with her husband Chris. They are some of the most wonderful people we know, and we were so excited to be there to celebrate with them!

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    This was a quick quick trip, but we made time to stop in Springfield, and visited Lincoln’s home!

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      I got home on Saturday October 12th at 6am! Erin is AWESOME and picked me up dressed as a car service -she was so convincing, another driver thought she was legit and asked her for instructions!


      In order to keep me awake until a decent time, we headed out to Virginia wine country and hit up a favorite Virginia winery, as well as a Fall Wine Festival we stumbled across. Staying up paid off, and avoided jet lag!

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      This trip to Doha was pretty enjoyable. We were leading training during the day, but the evenings were pretty mellow, and I got to go out and enjoy a couple of things I have never done, including a dhow boat ride, and a visit out to the World Cup 2022 site.

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      Susan G Kommen 3 Day Walk


    A childhood friend of mine participated in the Susan G Kommen 3-Day Breast Cancer walk. On Sunday morning we hit up the cheering section to give her some support. She walked 60 miles in three days, and raised over $5,000. This is her third year participating in the walk. She’s lost two aunt’s to breast cancer, one of them very recently.

    Talbot Fall Foliage Tour

This past Saturday my friend Natasha and I participated in a Metric Century bike ride on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. This was my first organized ride, as well as my longest ride in one day – 100 KM/64 miles. Now I can’t wait to do another ride – and am hoping to do a Century (100 mi) ride sometime next spring.


On Thursday we are headed to see my favorite comedian Jim Gaffigan at the University of Maryland. And then this weekend Erin is headed to Philadelphia for a conference, and we are also running a 5K for BARCS, an animal shelter in Baltimore. Now, just have to make it through the work day!

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Sylvia Parr

you two are awesome! keep up the health and fitness stuff! Love ya’s


You two are totally awesome so very proud of you both. Love Grandma XX


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