Sunday Adventures in Virginia!

I have been really slow in keeping this blog up this summer, mostly because work has been busy, and weekends just as busy. Last week I went to Seattle to visit my family and see Rogan, who turned 1 on July 31st. I’ll post some pictures from my Seattle trip soon – but today I wanted to put up some pictures from our day trip to Virginia two weekends ago.

Our plan was to go visit the Lurray Caverns which are in the Shenandoah Valley. As we were driving to the caverns we discovered we were smack in the middle of a Virginia wine region! So, of course we had to check a couple of places out!

But first, the caverns! Over 1 mile of caverns to walk through and explore:





After the caverns we explored the grounds a bit, and then headed out for a bit of wine tasting! We even found a new favorite Virginia Winery: Cave Ridge Vineyards






Anyone know what this strange bug is? It looks like a red hornet!

In other news, last Monday we headed out for dinner with the Friends of Jordan board and the Jordan Country Director!

This week has been business as usual – work for me, school for Erin. Erin is having lunch with a friend from Monterey, and on Saturday I am going to visit some friends for another Maryland crab feast 🙂

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