Updates from The Gulf and The Bay

Erin made it safely to Santa Rosa and is enjoying a week with her family. She stopped by her friend Lisa’s house to surprise her:


Friday she is going to wine event with her Aunt Esther – more updates on that to come!

Thursday is the end of the work week in much of the Mid East – including Qatar – so after work last night we headed to the souq for some shopping and dinner. I got some spices, and a delicious avocado smoothie. Outside of the juice stall, we came across these guys with their falcon:


One of my favorite things about the Mid East is the food. My first night here we headed off to a Jordanian restaurant near the hotel. We enjoyed some of my favorites, while catching up with good work friends.

Happy Friday to all!

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Thank you for the update. Sounds like fun. I know you are working hard but the off time sounds like it makes it all worthwhile.
Love those falcons. Stay safe. Love to Erin she looks like she is having fun too. There’s the wine word again. HeHe !!
Love you. Grandma XXOO


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