We got back late last night from spending the weekend in Santa Rosa for Erin’s cousin Gena’s wedding.
But, first, we spent Saturday afternoon wine tasting (I know, you’re shocked).
For those of you who don’t know (so, anyone not related to Erin…) Gena and Andy have been together for many years, and have two children: Zachary (almost 5) and Scarlett (2). They looked the part yesterday, too, with Zachy wearing a little tux, and Scarlett in a pretty princess dress.
Andy is from England (I’m starting to see a Cleary – Martinez/Parr trend here…) and his family was sadly not able to make it over for the event. Erin, being the thoughtful person she is, thought it would be nice to bring a little England to them. We were able to order a horseshoe online. In English weddings, a horseshoe is typically given to the bride and groom as a good luck charm for the couple. My Aunt Anne sent one over from England for our wedding last year.

You can see just the tip of Scarlett running around the dance floor, and I’m trying to get sweet cousin Benny to dance.
Phew… we are back home for only 48 hours before taking off to England tomorrow night! The kitties sure missed us, and we feel bad leaving them again. Here is what I was sharing the bed with when I woke up this morning: