Weekend Wrap-Up

The weekend is over already? 🙁

This wasn’t our most exciting weekend. Erin was down with the flu for most of the week and so we spent a lot of time laying low. She started feeling sick on Wednesday afternoon, and was pretty much down for the count until yesterday. Lots of rest, and snuggling with kitties.

Yesterday I got my hair cut, and then we headed out to dinner at Franklin’s – a favorite restaurant/brewery of ours over here. This morning I drove Erin to work, and then came home and painted the living room. I am really excited about how it turned out. I always like painting because there is instant gratification with the results.






Snacking on a cookie, and enjoying the new living room. As you can see, someone is feeling better! (Check out Dora!)

The most exciting thing that happened this weekend was that Erin came home from work tonight with 2 tickets to see Miranda Lambert in Baltimore on January 24th! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself!! I’m not a big country music fan, but I make an exception for Miranda Lambert. She’s more edgy folk than country in my opinion anyway. 🙂

This week is looking like it will be pretty low-key. I am getting a massage on Friday (compliments of a stocking stuffer groupon, thanks Erin!) and probably more work around the house. I don’t mind having an uneventful week, as the following few weeks are shaping up to be just the opposite.

I wish everyone a happy and peaceful start to the new week!

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Kim E. Cleary

love the color you chose! Beautiful 🙂 Can’t wait to visit!

Kim E. Cleary

I just saw the sideboard! It looks good in your house. So glad it is staying in the family. Along with the flowered chair, it was my favorite piece of furniture in our house. xxoo


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